弁護士 味村祐作の公式ブログ

インドネシア信託担保法(Fiduciary Law “Jaminan Fidusia”)

本日は、インドネシアの信託担保法(法律1999年42号)を紹介したいと思います。I would like to introduce Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 42/1999 on Fiduciary (Jaminan Fidusia).

信託担保という言葉は聞きなれないと思いますが、日本でいう「譲渡担保」に当たります。Fiduciary (“Jaminan Fidusia”) corresponds to “Zyoto Tanpo” (Fiduciary Transfer of Ownership/Security Assignment) in Japan.

信託担保は、1999年に制定されたものであり、19世紀半ば(オランダ植民地時代)に制定された民法上の担保と比べ、比較的しっかりと手続き等の内容が規定されているため、インドネシアでの担保として広く使わています。Fiduciary is established in 1999, compared to collateral stipulated in Civil Code promulgated in the Mid 19th Century (Dutch Colonial Period), and the procedures to execution of Fiduciary etc. are relatively effectively provided, thus, it is popular as security of debt in Indonesia.

現在、インドネシアでは、信託担保法の改正に向けた調査が、法務人権省とインドネシア大学法学部の合同チームで行われており、私も少し協力しています。Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia established the Fiduciary Research Team with Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and they are currently researching for the revision of Fiduciary Law. I am helping this project a little.

次の改正で、知的財産権に対する信託担保の条項を加えようとしています。  They are going to add new articles regarding Fiduciary Security over Intellectual Property Rights.

信託担保法の概要  The summary of Fiduciary Law is as follows.

「信託担保」(Fiduciary, or “Jaminan Fidusia”)とは、有形・無形の動産及び抵当法(法律1996年4号)に基づく抵当権を設定できない不動産(建物)を対象物として、当該対象物の所有者が、その占有を保持したまま、担保目的で、当該対象物の所有権を譲渡することを意味し(同法 1 条 1 項)、債権者は、それら担保対象物から優先弁済を受けられます。Fiduciary (Fidusia) is a transfer of ownership of an object on trust with the provision that transferred ownership of the object remains in the control of the owner of the object (Art. 1,1), and Fiduciary (Jaminan Fidusia) is the right over moving objects both tangible and intangible and immovable objects, in particular buildings that can not be burdened  with mortgages referred to in Law No.4 of 1996 on Mortgage which remain in control of the giver of the fiduciary, as collateral for the repayment of certain debt, which gives priority to the receiver’s debt against other creditors (Art. 1,2).

なお、信託担保権の設定には、信託登録オフィスでの登録が必要で、登録により信託担保証書が作成・交付されます(同法14条1項、3項)Fiduciary (Jaminan Fidusia) comes into existence on the same date as is noted in the Register of Fiduciary(Art. 14,3) and Fiduciary Registration Office shall issue and deliver to the receiver of the fiduciary a Fiduciary Certificate as the date of receipt of the application for registration (Art. 14, 1).

信託登録オフィスに登録された情報は、公開されます(同法18条)。All information regarding the Fiduciary object that is in the possession of the Fiduciary Registration Office is available to the public (Art. 18).

信託担保権の実行方法としては、①競売、②裁判所による実行、及び③私的売却の 3 つが用意されています(同法29条)。As the execution of fiduciary (Jaminan Fidusia), Article 29 provides three measures. If the debtor or the fiduciary giver defaults, the execution of the object of fiduciary can be done by  (1) Public Auction, (2) Implementation of the executurial title (Fiduciary Certificate) by the court, which has the same power as enforceable court decision, or (3) Direct Sale with the agreement of both the fiduciary giver and receiver if thereby the highest price is obtainable to the benefit of the parties.

(Disclaimer) I accept no responsibility for losses and/or damages that may arise from reliance upon information contained in this article. Full legal advice should be taken from a professional when dealing with specific situations.

弁護士 味村 祐作 Yusaku Mimura, Attorney at Law


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弁護士 味村 祐作




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